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Sunday, September 1, 2024

TRAVEL: Lake Sagami

Going to Tokyo gives you more than enough reasons to just stay in the city and enjoy the usual touristy spots, do some shopping, eat at popular cafes BUT it's also fun to explore the outskirts of the city. 

One of my loveliest discovery (and unplanned itinerary) during this trip was Lake Sagami.

Lake Sagami is not a popular tourist destination, we just chanced upon it on our way to Fujiyoshida. It's a one hour travel from where we're staying at in Sagamihara and roughly the same distance if one is coming from Tokyo or Shinjuku Stations. That's about Y1100 (to Y1300) one-way ticket.

From Fuchinobe Station, I took the train that goes to Hachioji and then transferred trains from there to Takao Station then another train transfer (Chuo Line) which will pass Sagamiko Station. 

Sagamiko Station is not a busy station compared to Hachioji Station so it is best to take note of the train schedule. 30mins to 1 hour interval I think (except for peak hours). Then from Sagamiko Stn., it's about 10-15 minutes walk to Lake Sagami Park. 

It was on a weekday when I went to Lake Sagami so it feels like I am in a ghost town when I arrived at the station and then while walking towards the lake. So quiet and I think I only saw 2-3 persons.  Eerie! 

But I really do wanted to see Lake Sagami and the nearby dam. And there's also a theme park which is about 10 minutes ride from the local bus. I was tempted to ride the bus but I also wanted to explore a bit so walk it is. Saw some interesting manhole covers while walking. 

Thanks to Google Map, I didn't get lost from the station to the lake. I mean, there's no one to ask directions! Also, it is a downhill walk so make sure to wear comfortable and non-slip footwear. You can also bring water and food because I don't even remember seeing a convenience store or restaurants. Btw, this was late June 2023 and summer is just starting BUT it was already hot. Thankful for the breeze but that's not an excuse not to apply sunblock and use umbrella. 

I felt I was in a storybook upon arriving at Lake Sagami Park. The view was so serene and I love how 'green' the surroundings are. They even have 'swan' boats that you can rent and it was really tempting to get on one and pedal around the lake. 

There are also kayaks for rent and fishing rods and baits. I have to mention that I saw a few gentlemen fishing. I'm making mental note to go fishing when I visit Lake Sagami again in the near future. 

Aside from the boat rentals, there's also a mini-arcade with dated games like small carousel, Anpanman, among others. The arcade was manned by an old man and just across the arcade, there's an open food stall that sells matcha ice cream. Yey! 

I did explore the area around Sagami Park and wanted to see the dam. But it was a long, long walk and the road that leads to it is a 'highway' of sorts and the cars and big trucks that pass me by drove fast, super fast. And I don't even know if there's a pedestrian stoplight if I continue walking towards the dam. 

Photo below is the viaduct that leads to Sagamiko Resort Pleasure Forest. There are local buses that goes to Sagamiko Mori Mori so I'm taking note of that for future visit. Upon checking my friend, Google, there's also a campsite at the Pleasure Forest. 

This short visit to Lake Sagami was last June 2023. When I arrived in Tokyo beginning of the month, hydrangeas were in bloom everywhere. But but by end of June, other flowers take centerstage like this lovely pot(s) of lavender at Lake Sagami Park. Not just lovely but it fills the air with comforting scent. 

Also, upon checking the park entrance, there's a scheduled 'fireworks' show the following weekend. So why am I mentioning it? Well, it's best to check cultural festival or whatever there might be especially if you're going to visit a rural area in Japan. Thus, making your travel more culturally immersive. 

Lake Sagami Park is a nice place to unwind, recharge, or find that creative side of you. A few hours in this place can do wonders for the soul. Of course, going here with family or friends to explore the area is a much better idea. Also, best to go on a weekend when there are more stores open and more people to bump in to. 

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