Growing up, Jake mastered the art of Realism under the tutelage of his father. Eventually, he discovered his own distinct art inspired from his training in the old school Realism.
Like any other teenager, Jake also took other 'art' workshops from different masters such as Master Shakespeare Chan. From Master Chan, he learned the technique of the North Shaolin Seven Star Preying Mantis. He also became a shi-fu of martial arts at the Chin Wu Athletic Association of the Philippines.
One would expect Art pieces showing fists clobbering and kicks flying, however here one sees the Philosophical side of the Martial Arts.
The examples of Great Martial Artists who delved in the Fine Arts were General Kwan Kung and Miyamoto Musashi. These figures had a great influence on the artist to perfect his craft.
Jake Alano will be having his 4th one-man exhibit “Martial Arts” at Suite 217, LRI Design Plaza Gallery, 210 N. Garcia St., Bel-Air 2 Village, Makati City. The exhibit will run April 27 – 29, 2019.
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