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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Abbott's Growth Watch Addresses Issues About Childhood Stunting

Statistics and research shows that childhood stunting is one of the predominant health issues in the Philippines, and that most moms (or parents) are unaware of the long-term effects of stunting on childhood growth. Abbott's Growth Watch aims to accelerate efforts to help parents identify children's growth issues early, and seek medical help to prevent malnutrition. The company is also offering online tools and educational resources for parents or even health practitioners re: nutrition assessment to promote childhood growth. 

As per the Department of Health, 1 in 4 children aged five and below are short for their age or stunted. Abbott is increasing awareness and working together with mom celebrities and communities to tackle stunting among children in the Philippines. 

Abbott's Growth Watch highlights childhood stunting as a form of malnutrition. With Growth Watch as a parent-partner, the parents will be guided to recognize stunting in a child so that they can improve their child's nutrition.

Stunting can challenge a child's development, impact their overall health and limit their future potential. Children affected by stunting can be at risk of significant immune deficiencies, compromised cognitive function, behavioral problems, diminished bone health, and decreased muscle mass. 

"There is a clear need to educate parents on the prevalence and impact of childhood stunting on growth and development," said Dr. Jose Dimaano, Jr., Nutrition Medical Affairs Director at Abbot Pacific Asia. "Early identification of growth issues and quick intervention for children found to be at risk of nutrition deficiency can have a profound impact on the fight against stunting. This is why Abbott is taking a multidisciplinary approach in supporting parents by working with communities and healthcare practitioners to provide tools and information to spot the signs of malnutrition and take action."

Abbott collaborated with celebrity moms, influencers, and online mom communities to help increase awareness of childhood stunting, and help support and educate parents with tools and resources to help their children reach their full growth potential. 

"Since its inception in 2021, Growth Watch has educated and reached more than 161,000 families, and the goal is to double the reach by the end of next year," said Angelico Escobar, General Manager of Abbott's Nutrition Business in the Philippines. "Abbott is driven by our mission to help children have a healthy start and reach their optimal growth. We know that malnutrition is complex and affects children's growth across all socioeconomic classes. The work of Growth Watch is one of Abbott's efforts to fight global malnutrition and to help children achieve their growth potential through measurement and proper nutrition."

The Growth Watch initiative also contributes toward Abbott's 2030 Sustainability Plan goal to transform care for malnutrition, chronic and infectious diseases. 

Growth Watch tools include:

Nutrition plays a crucial role in addressing malnutrition and stunting challenges. Addressing undernutrition early can help mitigate growth issues and ensure children reach their full developmental capacity. For children who do not get enough nutrients through food alone, nutrition supplements, such as PediaSure Plus, can help fill some of the gaps. The oral nutritional supplement, recommended by doctors, is formulated with 37 key growth nutrients including natural vitamin K2 and arginine to support 1.5 times faster growth in 8 weeks and strong bones. 


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