The beloved classic tale by Charles Dickens will be brought to life by Globe Live and 9 Works Theatrical beginning December 3, 2016 at the Globe Iconic Store, Bonifacio High Street Amphitheatre in Taguig City. The Globe Live and 9 Works Theatrical partnership will present the musical adaptation of A Christmas Carol which happen to be a worldwide hit since it was first staged on Broadway in December 1994.
A Christmas Carol: The Musical is the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a bitter miser who hates Christmas. He even calls Christmas a ‘humbug!” A Christmas Carol is the story of his journey of discovery to what Christmas is truly about. Playing the titular role is theatre veteran Miguel Fuastmann. He began his theater career with Repertory Philippines in 1974 and has transitioned to film, television, commercials, and even directing and set design. He has recently been awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Aliw Awards in 2015.
The musical will be directed by Robbie Guevara, together with Onyl Torres as assistant director. A Christmas Carol will be shown on December 3-4, 9-11, 16-18, 21-22 at 8pm, and a special show on December 25 at 7pm.
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