Santa Clarita Diet, the beloved comedy-horror series that stars Drew Barrymore and Timothy Olyphant is finally back on its second season this March 23, 2018 on Netflix.
And to make the premiere more exciting, Netflix along with Globe Telecoms flew in the stars of the show and presented them for a short fan-meet at the SM Megamall Fashion Hall last week.
Drew Barrymore's bubbly persona (on and off-screen) perfectly complements that of Timothy Olyphant.
Here's a short video of Drew Barrymore and Timothy Olyphant during the fan-meet at Santa Clarita Diet 2 SM Mega Fashion Hall.
Santa Clarita Diet 2 on Netflix can be enjoyed on Globe Postpaid plans. Globe Postpaid customers can get a 6-months free Netflix with Plan 999 and up.
So here I am, trying to see if I'll enjoy Santa Clarita Diet or go vegetarian. What do you think?
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