My daughter is like that also, prefers computer games versus physical games. However, it is also due to their school's academic demands which kept most of the students glued to the computer- no kidding. So whenever she has some free time, we play badminton. She is now looking forward to having badminton lessons although she still can't play weekly because of quizzes and home works.
Joy Schools is a three-year adoption program of Mondelez Philippines, the company formerly named Kraft Foods. The company, who is also the maker of food products like Tang, Eden Cheese, Cheez Whiz and Oreo, is keen on promoting active play and balanced nutrition among its six adopted public elementary schools. The Joy Schools is implemented together with partner- Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP).
Play is Cool is a day of fun for the six adopted schools. The participating students and teachers all convened in Zamora Elementary School last October 1, 2015 to get acquainted with each other through fun games prepared by The Ateneo Center for Educational Development (ACED).
"We have seen the benefits of both academic learning and those that come from interaction, including play. Having regular active play opportunities does not only help promote strong bodies. Regular active play also helps develop the students' brains and contributes positively to a child's ability to learn. It also teaches children the value of fair play and team work. We're happy to be working with Mondelez Philippines in this endeavor to help children love play more and as an added benefit, re-learn seemingly forgotten Filipino games," says ACED Executive Director Carmelo Oracion.
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